NVC & Spiritual Practice
Monthly Group
Drop-in Groups on
Sundays, Jan 29, Feb 26, Mar 19, Apr 16, May 7, 2023
10am - 11:45am Pacific Time
Financial Request
$35 - $15 sliding scale.
This means we'd love to receive $35 for our sustainability, but understand that this is not affordable for everyone, hence the sliding scale starting at $15. We welcome any amount within this range. Payment methods listed below.
(Also, during this time of lay-offs and financial uncertainty, we invite you to treat the sliding scale as $0 - $14 if you cannot current afford $15)
Payment methods
Venmo: newtbailey or 415 694 8798
Paypal: newt@communicationdojo.com
Zelle: 415 694 8798
or please contact info@communicationdojo.com if you'd like to pay by a different method
Access information
Live online sessions - access information:
You can join the calls using the Zoom video conferencing software, available for download for free from zoom.us You can also join the calls by phone. Access details below:
To Join "Zoom Meeting" video conference:
Meeting ID: 845 7191 3298
Passcode: 084441
One tap mobile
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+1 669 444 9171 US
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Meeting ID: 845 7191 3298
Passcode: 084441
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kuDla4i2V
"It bears repeating again & again how reassuring, heart-warming, life affirming your presence & leadership has been all along for me, (and I strongly suspect for all the rest of the group) and continues to be"
~ LS, Long-time NVC practice group member
"Nonviolent Communication really came out of my attempt
to understand this concept of love and how to manifest it,
how to do it."
~ Marshall Rosenberg, PhD., from "Practical Spirituality - Reflections on the Spiritual Basis of Nonviolent Communication"
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there.”
~ Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi, 13th century Sufi poet
In Nonviolent Communication, we find an many invitations...
To slow down, to be present, to meet ourselves with compassion and kindness.
To be gentle with ourselves and each other, to be courageous, and to be gentle with ourselves when we cannot find courage.
To find the support and community of others who can meet us with compassion and en-courage-ment.
To extend our compassion and empathy to others, or at least to remember that this might be a possibility. To check it out and see!
To give our attention to what's happening in a conversation as it happens, whether it's an internal conversation or one with another person. What's happening now? What's alive in me? What do I hear or see is alive in you? What am I curious about? What am I moved to speak? And now? And now? Can I hear you now? Can I hear me now? Am I awake to what's happening? Am I pausing to take things in, to catch up with my senses?​
Can I start at the end of my story so far, in this present moment?
Can I notice my thoughts without taking them all as literal truth? Might even the thought "There's something wrong with me" or "There's something wrong with you" actually have meaning for me that has nothing to do with wrongness and rightness?
Can I find and find again the field out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, and meet you there?
In these "NVC and Spiritual Practice" events, we'll meet in presence and community and see where we go with whatever arises for us. Starting with your wonderings and your reports from day-to-day life, we'll dive into the "life energy" that Marshall Rosenberg said he was attempting to describe with the language of universal human needs.
Let's find out whether we can use our communication skills not only to communicate with each other, but also to communicate with whatever we meet inside - our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, sensations and the aliveness underlying it all.
Who’s it for?
Please join us if any of the following is true for you:​
You're an NVC practitioner/student and you suspect there might be some deeper application of NVC than what you've discovered so far​
You're an NVC practitioner/student and would like to explore the "Practical Spirituality" that Marshall Rosenberg said was at the core of NVC
You already have a spiritual practice and would like to discover how NVC might work with your practice
Or this offering simply interests you and you'd like to find out what it's about!
Extra Resources to Support Learning and Integration
Here you'll find links to handouts, videos and other resources:
Join us on Monday evenings for instruction, demonstrations and practice at the weekly Communication Dojo drop-in class: https://www.communicationdojo.com/monday-drop-in-nvc-online-class
Subscribe here if you'd like to receive a weekly reminder about our Monday classes and a monthly newsletter.
The reminder email arrives around noon every Monday, to:
Remind you that we're meeting, or not meeting, that Monday (this is different from the Wednesday practice group)
Describe that Monday's topic
Give you the dates of at least the next 8 topics, to support you in planning which classes you're going to attend
The Monthly newsletter provides information on upcoming 4-week series workshops
Newt Bailey
Newt's passion is to help people connect, to experience greater intimacy, and to find the potential for mutually satisfying change that lies within conflict. He is also convinced that personal growth and change in consciousness is essential if we're to bring about the changes we want to see in our communities and our world.
Since he started studying NVC in 2005, Newt has set out to understand and share with others the essential core of NVC. He believes strongly in teaching the principles of NVC in a way that frees students from specialized language, and allows facility with connected communication to grow in small, quickly assimilated steps. The Communication Dojo is both a place where Newt teaches the NVC practices, skills and awareness he uses in his own life, and also a place where Newt introduces his newest teaching tools, resources and ideas.
Since 2006, Newt has been facilitating NVC groups, leading workshops and retreats, and developing his unique approach in public and organizational settings. Newt also attributes great steps in his personal understanding of NVC to working with prisoners and parolees. He has taught NVC, NVC mediation and NVC coaching across the USA and in Europe.