Communication Dojo
A Daylong Playshop
ON THIS PAGE: In-Person "COMMUNICATION RESET" - A Daylong Playshop
Sunday November 17th 2024
10am - 5pm (Pacific Time)
Foundation of the Sacred Stream
2149 Byron Street, Berkeley, CA 94702

$180 - $140 per person sliding scale
$120 "Early Bird" until October 16th
This means we'd love to receive $180 for our sustainability, but understand that this is not affordable for everyone, hence the sliding scale starting at $140. We welcome any amount within this range. We're also offering an "Early Bird" rate of $120 until October 16th.
If the price is an obstacle please contact us as we can sometimes offer full or partial scholarships
Known issue with mobile devices: Eventbrite links do not currently work on some mobile devices with the Eventbrite app installed. The alternative is to search for "Communication Reset" in your Eventbrite app OR
to paste this link into your browser:
Registration through Eventbrite
"I gained so many insights about myself and learned many skills on how to connect with people better. Now I have the wisdom and tools to achieve what my heart truly desires - connection. Thanks for the gifts, Newt."
~ Former participant in this playshop
Playshop Description
Our bodies “speak” to us through emotions, sensations and movements.
It’s as if your body is attempting to draw your attention to what is most important to you, to what matters, to what you are missing or longing for. We’d like to help you to hear what your body is saying and to let its messages guide you to understand and resolve conflicts and live more connected, joyful lives.
Your body is trying to communicate with you during moments of tension and conflict with others, when you might resort to the familiar habits of raised voices, accelerated speech, repetitiveness and finger-pointing.
Your body is murmuring away if you’re in relationships that are simply “flat,” relationships that may not be full of angry outbursts, but are also not full of aliveness, fun or connection. In this quieter kind of the relationship your body’s communication might be more subtle, but it’s still quietly trying to get your attention.
If you don’t get the message, the signal often gets turned up. Perhaps momentary irritation ramps up quickly through annoyance and frustration to anger, for example. Or a period of disappointment or disconnection builds slowly over months into distance, resentment and loneliness - feeling lonely even when you’re around the other person.
At Communication Dojo we provide communication and conflict resolution skills training based on Connected Communication aka Nonviolent Communication (NVC). The skills, awareness and principles of Connected Communication can make a huge difference, but making use of this approach is much easier if you get into the habit of listening and responding to what your body is telling you.
On September 16th, 2023 we are very excited to be offering our IN-PERSON “COMMUNICATION RESET” daylong playshop, where we'll be inviting you up out of your seat to make use of movement, play and spontaneous interaction in your learning and practice.
Involving your body in this way accelerates the sense of getting Connected Communication “in your bones.” Our aim is that you’ll develop greater awareness of what happens inside you when you communicate, and how that affects what you say and how you listen. With that awareness comes the ability to steer yourself in the direction of Connected Communication any time you start to move, quickly or slowly, in the direction of disconnection or conflict.
We invite you to come join us and are excited to spend the day with you!
Newt, Leeza & Taj
As soon as you concern yourself with the 'good' and 'bad' of your fellows, you create an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. Testing, competing with, and criticizing others weaken and defeat you.--- Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido
Some features of the Communication Dojo practice environment:
Chances to use your real-life situations to guide experiential learning
Efficient use of group time to maximize learning
High proportion of time used for small group discussion and practice - learning communication by communicating.
Minimal "jargon" i.e. language that might be confusing or alienating for those not familiar with NVC.
Little likelihood of people developing any sense of "doing it wrong" or "trying to do it right."
Mixture of experience levels deepens practice and learning

Bring your real situations to the dojo
Who’s it for?
If you're enthusiastic to try a fun, movement- and body-focused way of introducing Connected Communication aka Nonviolent Communication (NVC) into your life, this playshop is for you.
If you're already using NVC, and would like to get it deeper "in your bones," this playshop is for you.
Extra Resources to Support Learning and Integration
Here you'll find links to handouts, videos and other resources:

Leah Trainer - Newt Bailey
Newt's passion is to help people connect, to experience greater intimacy, and to find the potential for mutually satisfying change that lies within conflict. He is also convinced that personal growth and change in consciousness is essential if we're to bring about the changes we want to see in our communities and our world.
Since he started studying NVC in 2005 Newt has set out to understand and share with others the essential core of NVC. He believes strongly in teaching the principles of NVC in a way that frees students from specialized language, and allows facility with connected communication to grow in small, quickly assimilated steps. The Communication Dojo is both a place where Newt teaches the NVC practices, skills and awareness he uses in his own life, and also a place where Newt introduces his newest teaching tools, resources and ideas.
Since 2006 Newt has been facilitating NVC groups, leading workshops and retreats, and developing his unique approach in public and organizational settings. Newt also attributes great steps in his personal understanding of NVC to working with prisoners and parolees. He has taught NVC, NVC mediation and NVC coaching across the USA and in Europe.

Assistant Trainer - Leeza Pesenson
Leeza is passionate about understanding how our minds work and how we connect with each other. She has a Masters in Cognitive Science and works as a User Experience Researcher by day.
Leeza fell madly in love with NVC after attending Newt’s drop-in classes in 2018 and has been a dedicated practitioner ever since. She has participated in immersion programs in NVC, Mediation, Conflict Coaching, and Inner Compass work with Oren Sofer, Roxy Manning, John Kinyon, and Arnina Kashtan. Since 2020 Leeza has assisted Newt and organized her own NVC practice and empathy groups. She is overjoyed to be sharing NVC on a larger scale as part of the Communication Dojo team.

Assistant Trainer - Taj Easton
While Taj would say he's something of a newcomer to the field of Nonviolent Communication, he has thrown himself into the practice with extraordinary zeal and determination. Over the past two years he has spent several hundred hours training in NVC with a wide range of instructors and has spent upwards of a two hundred hours in facilitating classes and workshops in his community.
He has a passion for exploring the power of language to deepen connection and nurture relationships and is devoted to helping others learn to communicate in ways that will enrich their lives.
Taj is also a certified conflict mediator and domestic violence counselor. When he isn’t thinking about language or working to peacefully navigate conflict, he is collaborating with storytellers, cuddling his dog, reading, dancing or otherwise exp
loring this wonderful, awe-inspiring world.